Arcus - PDARPG

Posted Oct 29, 2020, 5:05:14 AM UTC

Arcus - enhanced wyfex - 25 years (visual) - she/her

eyeless (yellow-orange screen interface) - reddish orange mane

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  Tall, red and careless, Arcus is a force to be reckoned with. She used to be a co-worker for Igraine, but Arcus got reassigned multiple times within the company before being fired. While she is very prone to violence, often needless, she did not have the qualities the company was looking for in an employee. She simply did not care, only wanted to smash some heads and get paid, which more often than not resulted in countless numbers of casualties.

   Today Arcus is a freelancer mercenary. She will fight and kill anyone or anything, including those of her own kind. She's not afraid to challenge even beasts much larger and more dangerous than her, but knows when it is time to bail. On the other hand, she does have a shotgun. She has been a familiar sight on the City's side during riots, which has lead many living in the Slumme to believe she is a permanent addition to the force; including Maxuss, who has been tossed around by her on the field more times than he wants to admit.

   To Arcus' headache, the freelancing business on her area of expertise is not as lucrative as she would have hoped. With her addiction to virtual drugs, gambling and hefty debts to multiple sources, her current job only barely holds her head above the water; and she is sinking deeper every day. While she is aware of a solution, she is not too excited about it. She knows what people are like when they get excited. Having her insides pop like a crushed grape just because someone got carried away does not really tempt her. Selling her mount has crossed her mind a lot more than once, but in doing so she would lose the essentially costless travelling vehicle she needs to keep her head afloat.

also on dA

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  • Sep 21, 2022, 3:52:48 PM UTC
    This world sounds freaking metal and I love it, and Arcus sounds like an absolute fireball thrown into the middle of a stack of explosives. I'd love to do a collab some time for some maximum carnage, maybe some chaos crew vibes between her and my own makes-bad-choices-scrungly character.
    • Sep 21, 2022, 8:14:27 PM UTC
      aaaa thank you! ♥ collabing sounds absolutely rad. i think they'd get along quite fine, haha
  • Sep 3, 2022, 2:45:24 AM UTC
    Howdy! Been browsing your stuff after reading your Takes One to Know One story. Is there any information you're willing to share on the wyfex species? Like what's a normal one and what makes Arcus "enhanced"?
    • Sep 3, 2022, 9:41:54 AM UTC
      i'm so glad to hear they pique your interest!

      there are two "big" subtypes of wyfexes. one being the basic "feral", quadruped model, and the other being the enhanced one, which is anthropomorphic, and human-like in intelligence.
      • Sep 3, 2022, 10:05:21 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Sep 3, 2022 by ToastyCinnabear
        Oh that's rad. So are they organic? Do they reproduce naturally or they created?
        • Sep 3, 2022, 10:32:54 AM UTC
          they have organic parts, but they are created, and seen simply as machines by the general public. especially with enhanced wyfexes, there is a big market for spare parts and synthetic organs, and often they end up replacing everything organic over time with tech. their brain is essentially a motherboard of a computer, and it's the only part that cannot be replaced, if personality, memories, etc. are something that's valued.

          Arcus has mused about this in a portal entry:
 (TW; musing about organs and body parts)

          there are also general things about wyfexes and specifics about Arcus on her talisman challenge, and a character development prompt:

 (TW; swearing)

          i'd love to write a full thing about wyfexes as a species some day, but knowing they've been in development since 2015, i'm not hopeful for it happening too soon, pfft. but i'm extremely grateful that someone is interested, it does spark a small flame to be noticed. ♥
          • Sep 3, 2022, 10:40:24 AM UTC
            Thank you! I'll definitely get to reading those!

            I was really intrigued by that story of yours and wanted to seek out some answers. Thank you for being so helpful!
          • Sep 20, 2022, 9:55:42 PM UTC
            Howdy there! Finally getting around to reading these. I can't comment on the original post of the first link, so I'm dropping the comment here.

            "Her kind was built that way. She was built to be replaced." That line really got to me. It made it click just how messed up Arcus' society is.
            • Sep 20, 2022, 10:38:03 PM UTC
              yeah, sadly comments for the literatures in the old system have been switched off.

              eeyup : D the enhanced wyfexes are a classical case of "being preoccupied with whether they could, that they didn't stop to think if they should". no one actually thought what would happen if they just plopped another species into the already established society. spoiler: it didn't end well lol.





  • you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your shoulders, Sir.
  • delirium
  • moments before disaster
  • still here
  • hot right now
  • forgive me
  • blade-crossed truths
  • having a bad day
  • Copse's Chokehold -


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