Sivi's Chronicle Mark

Posted May 20, 2021, 7:32:57 PM UTC

This is Sivi's Chronicle Mark. It is tradition for his race to weave and wear these as they grow older. For every new experience, achievement, or struggle they have in their lives, they add a small artifact or a shard to this mark to represent the memory and lesson of what they had endured. Could be a rock picked up from a new location, or a bone from a fallen foe. Often, no such artifact cannot be found, so they simply use one of their own shed scales, marked with scratchings to help make them distinct from each other. Each addition to their mark tells a story, and they need but look at such section to recount them. Thus, as they age and experience, the mark grows to become larger and larger, with the most elder and experienced members of the lizard folk having entire capes of experiences adorned on their backs.

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Nothing but crickets. Please be a good citizen and post a comment for drigil