shells on a shelf - PDARPG Faedin Battle Challenge

Posted Nov 6, 2021, 5:40:38 PM UTC

10. Draw or write about how your character prepares for battle.


    Arcus grabbed her firearm and eyed it from one end to another. She flipped it, and did the same on the other side. Her fingers slid across its surface, her claws clattering on its dents and imperfections. Good enough, she decided. The wyfex switched the weapon to a leather holster. She flung it around her body, and buckled its attached leather strap on her chest. She tapped the shotgun's barred with her claws a few times as she picked it up, before plunging it into the holster on her back. Her eyes wandered onto her forearms. She lifted them, then rotated them, so the backs of her hands faced her. Maybe she would need some more protection from incoming damage - however, that day was not today. Arcus picked up a leather belt and buckled it around her waist, checking the weight of the attached bag. It wouldn't be enough shells in general, but enough to start with. She picked up another bag full of ammunition. Morakniv could carry the rest.

170 words

Morakniv 10574

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