[DOA] Lost and Found

Posted Mar 30, 2022, 3:59:23 AM UTC

Group: Dragons of Aquella

Prompt: March/April Monthly Challenge- finding a Toothed Singer Calf


Callisto's heart twisted as the mournful cries of the calf ahead of her, its small body twisting and turning as it clicked and whistled for its family. "Little one!" She called, approaching carefully. It was like no other aqrion she had ever seen. Clawed flippers, nostrels, but two dorsal fins- like her! "Shhhh, shhhh. I'll help you! Do you have a name?" She asked, gently running her wide fin over the small calf's body. 


The calf just clicked, looking up at Callisto with wide, trusting eyes. The calf babbled, seeming unable to speak at their age. A female, this one was, Callisto determined as the calf bumped against her, nudging for milk that Callisto couldn't produce- as she had no calf of her own to nurse at the moment.


"Don't worry, little one. I'll get you home to your pod soon. I promise." The elder female said, gently nudging the calf on with her pectoral fin, following after the quickly fading silhouettes of the calf's family ahead. "I promise."

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