Shikun Wildlife around her Home

Posted Jun 4, 2022, 1:16:47 PM UTC

Shikun World is filled with strange creature, but the local creature or herd that exist around Shikun are mark here for folk intrested. Note that this is not all the creature but the more common or the ones Shikun take care of. 



Name: Sun Lizard 

NickName: Cape Hero 

Size: 8 Inches (Not including tail) 

Weight: 0.22 to 0.37 ounces 


A small Reptile that looks like it would fly, but instead it climbs the top of trees to spread it wings out to absorb sunlight for nourishment. It spends a good some of its days enjoying the sun light in this way then as the sun start to go down, the wings folds over it body looking like a cape as the lizard jump around tree branches, to some, looking like a superhero jumping from roof top to roof top. 



Name: Sailkin 

NickName: N/A 

Size: 12 feet 

Weight: 2,390 lbs 


This gentle giant is a massive shaggy beast that cold blooded. It spends it days adjusting temperature to be just right while eating leaf from trees. Featherly antenna act as a vibration sensor allowing it to sense it surrounding similar to echo location. When it too cold, it raises it sail on it back and the sail absorb the heat from the sun to warm it body up. 



Name: Kumah 

NickName: Puff Ball, Fluffy, Cotton Fluff, Nest Mother 

Size: 5 feet tall (Fluff make it appear many times bigger from twice to x3 it size) 

Weight: 893 lbs 


About the size of a cow, many folks think it far bigger due to it fluffy fluff. Due to it thick fur, few predators can harm it so they are giant passive beast that lost the ability to fight back and end up taken to domestication almost overnight. They are so passive, that some creature taken to make nest in their fluff, chewing out a hole and laying eggs or birthing children in the soft warm fluff to grow in and the Kumah just continue eating grass or chewing sticks for barks. During warm season it shed a bit of it fluff but it still seeks out cool spot, but during winter they are more active, able to handle temperature as low as –80 degree. Shikun keep a herd of 6 of them on her land to shear their fluff for clothing material during the warm seasons. 



Name: Lumine 

NickName: Thunder Drum 

Size: 6 inches 

Weight: 10 grams 


Similar to earth frog, the different is its sensory antenna along it back that can sense vibration and energy, more so heat. Living off a diet of water bug, it most notable feature is it sound that resemble a drumming thunder clap. 



Name: Poklio 

NickName: TumTum, Tumyum 

Size: foot 

Weight: 5 lbs 


Overly curious and intelligent critter. Love to get into all sort of things and with an opposable thumb and the lack of sense of defeat when they really want something, these guys been known to sneak into houses and steal anything that interest them. The things that interest them vary to critter to critter, as it ranges from valuable art, jewelry both real and cheap plastic, food, cloth to even people trash. While not sentient level intelligent, they are still highly intelligent and are quick to learn pattern and events, most people can ward them off with offering to bribe them, and they are smart enough to know so long they take the bribe, more will be left for them. 



Name: Yaokun 

NickName: Garden Tender, Gardener 

Size: 2 feet 

Weight: 28 lbs 


A flightless bird, it long needle beak design to pick bugs off of plants. Because of that gardener enjoy having these birds wander about their garden, picking pest off their harvest. Shikun have a few hangs about her garden, enjoying the plump garden pest. 



Name: Tocks 

NickName: Milk Ticks 

Size: 8 foot 

Weight: 2,274 lbs 


Names for the sound they make, Tocks are massive bug who survive on Water, sunlight and flowers. Due to their meager diet, the Tock are often slow, conserving energy and sleeping when not eating. To make up for the rest of their energy, they produce a fluid that like a concentrated energy drink...though they make so much of it that their thorax can swell so big their exoskeleton would crack. Luckly they been domesticated and dedicated handler make sure to milk the excess fluid to keep the Tock from such fate. Their eyes sense only ultraviolet wavelength and only short range. Their real senses are the organ on their forehead that act like a nose, scenting all the air in a few yards from itself. Shikun have 6 of them she milks, the fluid dangerous to drink as pure, so the fluid must be diluted to be drinkable and sell. The fluid is like a rich honey called Mana. 



Name: Wontung 

NickName: Shovel Head 

Size: 5 feet 

Weight: 892 lbs 


Similar to a boar save that it has a large flat horn at it snout that it used to shovel the earth for underground grub and to dig up mushrooms. The Wontung are blind but their sense of smell gives them an awareness of everything with a scent for a mile and 273 feet. Their meat is sour so Shikun to not hunt these guys and so occasionally there a few traveling about her lands to drink from the river or hunt for shroom. Shikun often use them to help her find ingredient. They are smart enough to be train and so long as they know they can get rewarded with what they want, they are happy to use their scent to find ingredient that not in their meal house. 



Name: Snipper 

NickName: Leaf Cutter 

Size: 12 feet 

Weight: 38 lbs 


A snake like creature who crawl on trees. Their flat hood hugs the tree trunk and branch and roll it muscle to propel them along, allowing them to crawl up and down trees and hang on branches. Instead of a normal mouth, the Snipper has mandible that use for cutting leaf to put in it grinding mouth, surviving purely on both the substance of leaf and it juices. 

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  • Jun 4, 2022, 8:01:29 PM UTC
    They are all still so cool gotta draw Prim interacting with one or some Smile



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