The Astral Dragon

Posted Jul 13, 2022, 10:01:33 PM UTC

#28 If your character was an animal or non-humanoid fantasy creature, what would they be? Draw your character with their creature self, or write about them transforming or finding themselves in a universe where they are not what they were.

As Galaxii walked across the unfamiliar land, he thought to himself. He hadn't seen any people for the entire time that he'd been in this realm. He could hear the flapping of wings in the distance-- a sound all too familiar to him. He hoped that the dragons here were sentient, and not feral beasts like the ones that plagued his realm.

As soon as that thought had entered his mind, a red blur streaked across the sky, and the gust of wind that followed nearly knocked the knight onto his rear. Landing in front of him, a dragon with red scales poised itself to strike. He only had a limited time to pull out his sword, and it looked like it was preparing to use its breath weapon against him...

Suddenly, from seemingly nowhere, a silvery blur leaped across the land, tackling the red dragon, leaving the knight stunned. He hid amongst the underbrush, watching the two dragons fight. One was obviously a red dragon, he had gotten a good enough look at it. But the other one... he had no clue. He had never seen any dragon like it before. Perhaps a silver dragon...?

After a minute of fighting, the red dragon gave up the battle, taking off in the other direction. The other, victorious, dextrously climbed its way up to the top of a small cliff, a landmark made by centuries of river flow long ago. It looked down over the land, and spread its wings, revealing what appeared to be a cosmos reflected in the beast's wings. Its eyes glowed like shining stars, with no pupil or iris, simply a white hot glow. As Galaxii came to his realization, he whispered under his breath;

"That's... that's an astral dragon...?!"

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