Pumpkin's Talisman

Posted Aug 5, 2022, 2:28:05 AM UTC

Pumpkin's spell book was given to her by her mother, it is used to store and use spells and magic.

It can also steal magic from and hold items as a drawing on the pages.

Her mother told Pumpkin that with enough practice she would be able to trap "bad people" within its pages.


Her spell book takes on the form of a small keychain hooked to her belt when not in use.

When she uses the spellbook it becomes roughly the size of her upper body and floats around her.


Pumpkin's spellbook is connected to her mind and works with her thoughts.  


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Pumpkin PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd550
14 total points
7 approved points



  • Latent Element Water
  • Pumpkin


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