April Mayweather

Posted Sep 13, 2022, 7:25:15 PM UTC

Character Name: April Mayweather

(Her original name is the mimicked sound of a spring storm, so her name is a pun built on the noise and the saying April showers, bring May flowers)

Character Age: 25


Character Species: Kenku (basically an anthro Raven without wings)


Hair color: Black feathers


Eye color: Red & Black


April grew up with her tight nit flock and biological family, eventually because her father was an abusive and hateful traitor who was quickly chased out of the flock when her and her siblings were already adults. April grew into a charismatic, friendly and loving sister and flock member. She may be outgoing and friendly but she keeps her heart locked away for safety, she has had many failed relationships and is a hopeless romantic, so it seems logical to stay hide her true emotions with a smile. She is a skilled bard and is great with magic, she uses her bard shows to distract passers while her flock pic their pockets. Her flock is proud of her but thinks she has more potential and could achieve greatness if she just becomes a warrior or mage but she loves her creativity and art and prefers to be a bard while helping her flock. She is amazing with children and animals and is told she should become a mother which she has considered but she is a free spirit and doesn't want to settle down. She is very flirtatious and tends to use her charm and flirtatiousness to persuade others. She's very impulsive and creative which can help her find odd solutions for problems and can also be the cause of problems. If it's shiny she's going to steal it. She can be a great flashy distraction or the reason the party gets caught trying to sneak around. She does not respect nobles or the rich and would happily steal the clothes off their back to I've to the members of her flock who she knows need it more.

D&D beyond sheet for more info: https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/82887605

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