The Protector

Posted Sep 18, 2022, 11:11:51 PM UTC

So...  I kinda did an in-between Prompt 1 and 2 for the Solar Winds, so I put them both in.

The Black Bandit came in as a pirate, raiding at first like he had so many times before with the vessels and convoys of the Empire.  However, after the first raid his ship terrorized and destroyed a large merchant vessel.  So many innocents.  The Black Bandit looked into their faces and realized: these were not the people of the Empire.  What was he hurting them for?  He had no gripes with them.  He didn't know their politics or their people. They looked terrified, not defiant.

That night he spoke with the captain.  They had started on this mission to raid merchant vessels of the Empire before they found this portal. What were they doing pillaging innocents?  A long discussion later, and the captain agreed.  They brought it up with the crew, and turned their vessel around.

During the next raid, they saw the cannons from another raiding vessel start the fires in a convoy. But this time, Adrian prepared himself to board the attackers.


Prompt #1 - The Pirates

Your character has thrown their lot in with the raiders of the solar winds! Pirate crews range from loose associations of ragtag criminals to highly sophisticated and tight knit forces.

Prompt #2 - The Convoys

Alongside the brave beings of the shipping vessels, your character will fend off and outfly the scalliwags of the void. The massive cargo cruisers are slow and difficult to maneuver, but they often employ swift guardian ships to protect them.

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  • Sep 20, 2022, 4:59:41 PM UTC
    What a fantastic storybit to accompany the art! I'm loving seeing his development.

    Your sense of light and shadow in the background is also really glorious (I love how you were able to smooth out the coloured pencils.) The pose on Adrian is great, too: it looks like he's .5 seconds away from leaping over, which is really cool.

    Nice work!
    • Sep 20, 2022, 6:15:32 PM UTC
      Thanks so much, Dray!
      I am a little less happy with this one. I feel like I should have put more into the background, but the ships were giving me grief… I gave up (I know, out of character for me)
      • Sep 20, 2022, 9:53:12 PM UTC
        Nothing wrong with taking a stab at something and then moving on if you're feeling blocked. Heck, maybe you could save this for next year's talk-like-a-pirate-day and try again to see what progress you've made! (That way you can also put it off for a full year, haha)
        • Sep 20, 2022, 10:27:54 PM UTC
          Absolutely! It’s all good. I just needed to move on to the next backlogged item. πŸ˜†