
Posted Oct 18, 2022, 11:58:37 AM UTC

Upon arriving at an adventurer checkpoint, Lancerrow was asked about a talisman. They talked about their robo-belt, a signature object of theirs, but was then told that it does not have triangles sewn on them. Luckily for the gatekeepers, they had spare scarves, between them, an ocean blue one. Lancerrow recognized the palette as that of the Ocean Spiderweb Wisps they see at their home planet, getting cleared up that it more has to do with elements.

Lancerrow did not understand what they meant with elements. Was their Wisp energy not enough of an element?

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Lancerrow PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd687
7 total points
7 approved points



  • Keon-Ju-Talisman
  • Keon-Ju
  • Lancerrow


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