Jerle visits Aridin

Posted Nov 5, 2022, 12:24:27 AM UTC

Prompt #1 - Woven Cities

Meticulously grown trees, cultivated both manually and by elemental magic, make up the structure of Aridin’s legendary cities. The woven cities are one of the greatest feats of harmony between people and nature in the known worlds. The trees that make up the cities come in many colors, some influenced by magic and others painted all the shades of the rainbow. Many of the structures are loosely pyramidal and have flat roofs that are used as community spaces and often pools thanks to the frequent rains. Show your character exploring one of the woven cities. Your piece must include your character and buildings made of living trees.


I loved making this. I enjoy painting lush forests and stuff. We're going to release some more content (quests and boss fights) in this portal. I think we might make this portal a more prominant one in the lore.

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  • Feb 1, 2024, 1:06:43 AM UTC
    The colors and the details on this piece are fantastic! So bright and glowy makes me wanna be there * *
  • Nov 5, 2022, 4:59:13 PM UTC
    This is such a gorgeous image. I can tell you had a good time drawing it. I love greenery, as well, though I admit drawing it in my style can get tedious. I'll probably get more of it done when I get my digital art setup.



Jerle PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd3
220 total points
7 approved points



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