Apirka and Shikun Aurora Crusher!!

Posted Nov 7, 2022, 12:55:58 PM UTC
  1. Draw or write about your character fighting the boss!


After patching up Apirka, Shikun hatch a plan to get back at the vampy! Apirka listen in awe as Shikun tell her about using her sky power to fly while casting an duo casting...not sure she understood, Apirka agree and Shikun climb on her back. the two fly into the room where the vampire is, shrouded in shadow as Shikun cheer and told Apirka what to do then fly as fast as she can at the vampire! following the orders, she suddenly was surrounded by an aurora as she rocket through the vampire shadow, damageing him...Apirka not sure what she did but pay back for the bite a bitch!

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