
Posted Dec 4, 2022, 7:23:45 PM UTC

Character Name: Bochalk

Character Age:

Character Species: Hornhound

Hair color: Tan gray

Eye color: Blue


Bochalk Biography

Bochalk grew up in a close knit family with loving parents and older siblings to take care of him being one of 6 in his litter.Counting cloud,chewing sticks,playfighting with brothers, life was simple.With so many dog and only three of them working their family was poor but they supported eachother as Bochalk used to help dig soil up for planting small crops.He left home when he was about a year old and with the litte money he been given first he when to school.He watched the children learn through the window to scared to go in and runs away if seen learning to speak more common language and knowledge.
For the past 5 year be just been doing side jobs to get by but he knows he's so much more capable of more.


Hornhounds are a sentient canine like beings with long defined horns and sometimes more spikes along the body and a rocky tail.they come in all sizes,shapes and breeds.

45-75 years 

Hornhounds have specialized stomachs to digest most things from Grass to Rocks 


A male and female Hornhound dig a den together and prepare the nest,when its complete they curl up and sleep together.When they awaken they bite off or knock off by headbutting eachother horns and place them in one of partners pouch (both male and female have it) and the chosen pouch sitter to stays in the den while the other one gets food and protects.

The puppies come out of the pouch atfer 10 weeks from the pouch are very weak at first with closed eyes and ears only able to eat soft food like berries and leaves, but by the time they reach 8 weeks old they are as smart as a 5 years old humans and very active wanting to learn.The parents focus on teaching them how to find food,what they are as hornhounds,and basic reading and math skills.

The pups leave their parents around 8-12 months of age ready to take on the world. around this age they don't wonder to far from home but live in their own homes.It would take about 10 more years of growing horns gaining life experience to even thing about haveing pup for themselfs but when that time comes then all they have to do is find a partner then...

Way of life
Firendship,Headbutting,food,and fun
A hornhound is a life long companion and actually gets mysterious powers from bonds of others makes them them happier and healther and the magical horns grow more and glow.So the hornhound well seek out others to make strong bonds with, and well help them as much as they can.Other pastimes are headbutting things for fun,Hornhounds are as diverse as humans when is comes to ideas and personalities.

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