The Stryx Rider: Mochi

Posted Dec 4, 2022, 8:12:15 PM UTC

NAME: Mochi Fukurō
ALIAS: Mochi, Mo-Mo
AGE: 20
SEX: Trans (He/They)
HEIGHT: 5 foot 3
HAIR: Brown and white
EYES: Bright blue
OCCUPATION: Oracle (Nature)

VOICE CLAIM: Haruhi Fujioka    
FACECLAIM: Credit goes to Me

Physical Appearance: Mochi stands at 5 foot 3, with a slender torso, feminine hips and plush thighs. His hair is shoulder length and slightly fluffy/feathery in nature. His brown hair has a patch of white in his bangs. Bright blue eyes look out from under his bangs. Being in such a cold climate, Mochi often dresses in warm pelts and wool to help him survive. He has several piercings throughout his body, including; 2 snakebites, 2 helix rings (in both ears), both lobes pierced along with both nipples pierced. Mochi also has 2 pairs of feathers that sprout from the top of his head similar to “horned” owls, these feathers are sensitive to the touch and help judge his speed when flying. From his back are a pair of wings, stretching approx. 10ft from wingtip to wingtip. From his hips grows a set of tail feathers and a long 5 foot tail tipped with a diamond of feathers for stabilisation and manoeuvrability. He also bears black markings on the inside corner of his eyes along with a solid black band around his neck. Under the pelts he wears is a cropped metal breastplate with a painting of a dripping leaf for protection

Personality: Mochi is an anxious and shy individual when around others, often preferring the soloist life he leads among the flora and fauna of forests. The silence of a winter’s day is his favourite thing to experience. Though among others he is able to mask and come across as move confident in his skills and in himself as a person. With this mask in place, Mochi is a confident and adorable syrinx, easily flustered and willing to do a lot to make his friends and those around him happy. After forming a close bond with someone, the true Mochi comes out, he’s friendly, loyal, and reliable. Giving anything to those he cares about. Traits: Positive: Kind, Quiet, Creative, Adaptive || Negative: Overthinks, Anxious, Easily Flustered, Naive



Singing - He developed his voice when he realized that his mount (a white dire wolf named Spirit) enjoyed the songs of his people. Legends of powerful Syrinx that knew all that the heavens could share. He’s known to sing while preparing meals while Spirit goes off to hunt. 

Cooking - Mochi has had to learn how to prepare any meal he wishes to have, after all living alone, no one can cook for you. He’s learned which plants are safe for eating and which are dangerous. He’s also learned how to prepare the meat for his meals as well. Any surplus is often dried or brought into the closest town to sell.

Charm Making - As an additional source of income for supplies, Mochi puts his creativity and magical ability to use for others. He often makes charms to help ward off sickness, promote well being and some even allow the wearer to speak with animals when worn. These charms are often in the form of wire wrapped crystals and stones with engravings over the surface.



Natural Spaces - Being an oracle of Nature, Mochi feels most at home among the trees and animals of a Temperate forest or Tundra better than the artificial spaces of a city. If he needs to travel to a market for supplies or to sell his goods, he brings in Spirit for emotional support. 

The freedom of the nomad life - Mochi leads a nomadic life among the animals, moving to a new location season by season. This also follows the herds of deer that Spirit hunts.

Sweets - Mochi has a serious sweet tooth and has a habit of purchasing a stash of baked goods for when he needs a little bit of sugar to satisfy his craving. This has even led to him using his abilities to make his own honey.



Big cities - Mochi’s hearing is incredibly sensitive and his connection to nature is weaker in the large cities. He’ll tend to stick close to Spirit, either riding him or walking just ahead of him, keeping his head down and his focus inward.
Large Social Events - Being used to the quiet of nature makes it difficult for Mochi to be around large groups. His anxiety tends to flare up and this had lead to breakdowns in the past when things have gotten particularly joustling.    

Poachers - Mochi is incredibly weary of professional hunters and poachers ever since one tried to claim the life of his beloved Spirit. Aiming to get the stryx's feathers due to their beautiful markings.





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