Night Light

Posted Dec 18, 2022, 7:21:03 AM UTC


Really liked the idea of Noct running into them


They're smol and think they're scary with their little blacklight tail, heh

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Constructive Critique requested.

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  • Dec 19, 2022, 2:51:24 AM UTC
    I like this piece! Noct is really cute!
    I think a simple way to improve it would be to add the characters' shadows into the environment, to really make them pop against the background and give it more of a three dimensional feel. I forget to add this kind of shadow in a lot too!
    I find the cell shading on the characters very pleasing. Pieces with low lighting can be difficult and you've done a good job portraying it. Good work! Keep it up! :3
    • Dec 19, 2022, 11:53:13 AM UTC
      Shadows with this kind of lighting are so hard to figure out at times I feel, so it's always a study. I'll have to keep that in mind! I keep wanting to soften the shading in fear the viewer won't be able to see the piece anymore at some point RIP

      Thank you so much for the critique! I really appreciate the feedback. <3
      • Dec 19, 2022, 9:12:17 PM UTC
        Have you learned about soft vs hard shadows and light? While it isn't always relative depending on the style of art, it was revolutionary to my paintings when I started to grasp it. I do tend to lean towards a cell shaded, hard shadows only cartoony style these days, though.
        I'm trying to find a good resource but I haven't been able to pull one that's (digital) art and not photography related, but even those articles seemed like they might be helpful at a glance. If you're interested maybe you can poke around and see if you find something that explains it well for you?





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