
Posted Dec 23, 2022, 8:28:34 PM UTC

Character Name: Sai Mochi

Character Age: 17

Character Species: Human

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Blue (Under Mask)



   Sai grew up in a small village as the younger of two children. They would often sneak off with their older brother to the nearby lake to swim in the clear blue waters and get away from their chores. Sai and their brother were very close, and they relied a lot on each other for support. One day, however, mysterious men came and stole away the older children of the village, including Sai's brother. After Sai's brother was taken they became very closed off and nervous, refusing to talk to anyone. Eventually, Sai decided to run away with only a bag and the clothes on their back, fearing being taken away like their brother was. They ran into the woods, finding shelter and safety in the wilderness among the forest creatures.

   Sai is a rather shy but friendly person, they find it difficult to talk to and trust new people and prefer to spend their time alone. When they find someone who they deem trustworthy, however, they tend to become much more open and sociable. They love animals, their favorite are axolotls. They are also very creative and love to draw and craft things with whatever materials they can get their hands on. Sai hates large crowds of people and sudden loud noises. They are rather short as well and dislike it when people comment on their height.

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