Ghost-Eye's Awakening

Posted Jan 21, 2023, 2:38:48 AM UTC

He'd lost his lands, his home, and stuck in an impossible-to-survive situation, what he thought would be his last moments ended in triumph. He could feel his heart slow, his body grew sluggish with every step. Ghost-eye could feel the energy being sapped from his body. The cold nighttime mountain air freezing his soul. He sat down in contemplation, thinking that he would at least attempt to look like a peaceful frozen statue in his death. Instead, in what would've been his last breath, a flame grew forth. Then another, and another. The three were his old companions, back from beyond. He could feel them enter and entice his body to move, he felt invigorated, though the mountain was cold... he had warmth once again. Whether it was warmth in his heart... the things humans called "emotions", or whether it was a literal warmth brought on about the spirit flames that surrounded him. He had been given life once more. Though revenge would be impossible, so too was those who had passed on coming back to "unlife". Perhaps his journey wasn't so hopeless after all.

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Ghost-Eye PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd889
109 total points
7 approved points



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