OCL: Round 1: Corda and Suave Construct fight!

Posted Feb 6, 2023, 8:01:11 PM UTC

OCL ROUND 1: Element Constructs!


We have Corda and Suave match up and what a dozzy! Fire vs Water?! This is Anyone game at this moment. Suave strength in the Cards and it look like he pull out an 9 of Clubs! Whew! Feel the heat from that smoke construction, But Corda summon forth ice in an ICE GOLEM! Now if you ask me at first, I would say I put my money on Suave, but the cold air is stealing the heat of the smoke! I did not predicted that! I can not say who could be an victor from this Match up! Will Suave Heat Melt Corda Heart or will Corda leave Suave out in the Cold?! Only Time will tell after this exciting Battle!....

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  • Feb 19, 2023, 2:33:54 PM UTC
    Ayyy, let the battle commence!
    Once again, adore how you did my boi Suave there, absolutely love the smug energy coming off of him - you really captured him super well! Also love both the concept and texture of the smoke construct, where you can see the heat of flames glowing within it from the base. Looks really cool!
    Really enjoyed doing this first round against you - best of luck with the judging!
    • Feb 19, 2023, 8:19:17 PM UTC
      bah! seen your pic in respond, you got this Smile My simple flat color work against me and your art rich in detail color. Heh, it was fun drawing Suave. He a very fun character. Hope after OCL, I get to draw him again in less combat focus scene Smile or at least, with him working with my character to fight an boss Tongue
      • Feb 21, 2023, 12:54:03 PM UTC
        I would defo be down for that! My one disappointment with my piece is that due to the perspective I only really got to draw Corda's back, so would be cool to do another piece in future and get a chance to do him properly!
  • Feb 10, 2023, 1:57:04 AM UTC
    OwO I wish I worked as quickly as you did... This looks so solid. And it's so definitely your style. Ngl, I am jealous.
    • Feb 10, 2023, 7:29:59 PM UTC
      pffft! No Jealious! your art is wonderful and well worth the wait! I have an style and I love it even though it may not realistic or perfect but it cartoony and I hope impactful. In this OCL battle I care little to show Corda beating an foe and want to capture the heat of the moment event! So I hope to capture all my foe in an awesome light, and the owner of Suave seem to enjoy the smug look of his character, that make me happy....Not expecting to win the round as my style is flawed, instead Let look awesome and have fun doing it!! Hope I get Aprika in one of the next two rounds Wink
      • Feb 10, 2023, 10:36:49 PM UTC
        I wouldn't mind going against Corda! It'd be interesting, for sure!

        But I agree with Suave's creator! You captured him really well! And while you talk yourself down, I disagree! Realism is not the pinnacle of art, and I think you'll do quite well for yourself!
        • Feb 11, 2023, 4:18:22 PM UTC
          thanks Smile still I feel like my art is subpar vs others...I am happy with it, it my style, and all ways adding to it, but over all I like to capture an dramatic flair using simple art, less on the shading and realism detail and more of how the image make you feel and an sort of cartoony expression.

          And as much as I like to think of my next OCL pic to work on, have to wait, Element construct over so a battle between Aprika and Corda can be nearly anything....and while I can not fanthom the Prompt for if Aprika and Corda face each other, an silly idea is an designing and wearing an outfit made from your element....no matter how much you think about it, the idea of both Corda and Aprika looking uncomfrtable dress in element design garb, I think the worst is Aprika with win....she thought the virgin killer sweater was bad Tongue
          • Feb 11, 2023, 8:33:03 PM UTC
            It's not subpar! It's just stylized! >///< Stop talking badly to my friend, Bordayus' brain!

            I imagine a very... if you're familiar with Naruto... Oiroke no Jutsu moment. For the sake of the audience. XDD
            • Feb 11, 2023, 11:43:36 PM UTC
              I have med to prevent Bordayus brain from being worst Tongue It an happy medium I am in. Art to make other happy any excited.

              familat but no idea what the japaneses meaning to that jutsu..wait...
              (Translated using google)
              ....I take it that the jutsu that turn Naruto into an sexy naked girl with smoke cloud censoring the naughty bits? not the Harem jutsu Tongue
              Still Aprika not amused Big Smile
              • Feb 12, 2023, 12:57:07 AM UTC
                Same for Shiro... so I get it.

                Yup, that's the one. And no. Apirka would NOT be amused. XDD I would be though!
                • Feb 12, 2023, 1:13:20 AM UTC
                  Why do we take pleasure in our character misery? Tongue
                  • Feb 14, 2023, 1:30:06 AM UTC
                    Because oftimes we don't have the strength to face our own misery... so we make people who can overcome when we cannot. QwQ
                    • Feb 14, 2023, 2:07:45 PM UTC
                      .....I was just joking and here you are giving an deep psyche analyzation so rich, that I feel like I should be paying you for an therapy session... Tongue
                      • Feb 14, 2023, 7:39:38 PM UTC
                        Unfortunately, I am not licensed, so please take what I say with a grain of salt. XDD
                        • Feb 15, 2023, 6:58:28 AM UTC
                          But...I do not have any salt Sad
                          • Feb 15, 2023, 11:51:27 PM UTC
                            None? Well, you can go to a public CoD lobby? There's plenty of salt there.
  • Feb 6, 2023, 9:11:52 PM UTC
    I literally don't know who to cheer on here - I'm so torn! Both the characters expressions look brilliant (though I'm weak for that Suave smirk, and the perspective of the hand holding the card)
    And the elemental titans DUKING IT OUT looks EPIC AS HELL
    AAAAA SO COOL!!!!!!!!!
    • Feb 7, 2023, 1:57:02 PM UTC
      Yeah, Suave is expressive while Corda tend to be dead pan (Unless caught by surprise like in some art show Tongue ) so Suave win the most expressive. I want their background to reflect their power so flames for Suave and snow for Corda. Suave was the most work, I had to do multi layers and when I drew the card on fire...something...until I realize...cards burn Tongue





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