Ready for the battle, sir!

Posted Mar 7, 2023, 3:41:15 PM UTC

While some less attentive thinkers may believe that offensive capability is the sole expression of strength, we at the Academic Collective are in tune with many angles of power. In this challenge, you and your opponent will each be issued three delicate plush toys. The winner will be the competitor who destroys all of their opponents' plushies while protecting at least one of their own. Protect your plushies from your opponent while destroying theirs. You must depict your character, your opponent, and at least the remnants of at least one plushie.

This is Martin trying to defend one of the plushies from Sir Marte.

Martin is owned by me 

Sir Marte is owned by RatboyDemiurge

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  • Mar 8, 2023, 12:33:06 AM UTC
    :O woah! I like how Sir Marte looks like he's making a callout and Martin is like "NAW IMMA DEFLECT THAT. Ain't no way you're getting to this plushie."

    But Sir Marte just holding the bunny with one hand and two fingers makes him seem super overconfident!

    And the way their positions kinda drag the eye from left to right to left again, making a circle around to see the whole piece. The blurred background also helps keep the characters in-focus really well!

    This is really awesome, seriously! Big Smile
  • Mar 7, 2023, 8:55:22 PM UTC
    I like the defensive stance Martin is taking. I also like that you're doing the pose at an angle. Really good stuff. Good job.





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  • Jayenzo the Warrior
  • Jayenzo's future partner
  • Jayenzo at the Tournament
  • Jayenzo's plant lasso
  • Jayenzo


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