The Happiness Orb

Posted Mar 16, 2023, 11:18:26 AM UTC

This is The Happiness Orb. It is used by Furze for storing memories, and it summons another orb for battle usage.



The Happiness Orb was originally created by A Werewolf Demon God in The Cave of Darkness and Despair. He wanted another way to become powerful enough to defeat The Most Evil Antagonist Group, where The Most Dangerous Antagonist and The Strongest Antagonist have joined forces and are on their way to take over the world to destroy The Most Powerful Orb, The Godly Orb(pathetic name but whatever). Why? Because aside from other things, this is the main thing stopping them from using any of their powers. But, one of the members from the group had managed to escape the prison they were in, knowing that the only thing that can release the rest of the Most Evil Antagonist Group's members is if The Second Most Useful Orb is destroyed. And Furze has the orb, because The Werewolf Demon God gave it to him to keep it safe.

Now, Furze and a few others enjoy their casual lives while impeding doom is on the horizon. If the escaped antagonist member finds Furze(who's way bigger than it, by the way), everything would fall into chaos. Not really...more like the orb getting destroyed. I'm trying to make it dramatic.

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  • The Happiness Orb
  • The Happiness Orb
  • Pic of Furze Trying To Look Edgy During A Sunset


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