Dragon, Kiba's companion (talisman)

Posted Apr 2, 2023, 11:06:57 AM UTC

So Kiba is not yet approved, yes, but i couldn't wait with drawing this critter up-who i also included in Kiba's ARPG portrait btw!:D

This is Dragon, Kiba's talisman, or more like companion. He's a sentient and highly intelligent sea slug who is able to breathe on land and underwater. Cue Kiba panicking when he saw it in the sand and thought it was dead lol

"A very brief description of what the item is"
A sea slug, bigger than average but still small. It can breathe on land and underwater, making it a perfect companion for Kiba and his adventures. The little critter holds immense power unknown even to itself

"Why your character is taking it with them"
Dragon is basically Kiba's pet who means the world to him. Both of them love to explore, and so Kiba figured he wouldn't leave Dragon home (not like he planned to anyways)

ps. he eats the badges /j

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Kiba PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #Pd985
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