Caspian and Shikun Sinned against Creation

Posted Apr 8, 2023, 9:22:56 PM UTC

Whoops....Shikun left Caspian to cook on his own an moment and some how this thing came out. Caspian a bit confuse how this happen, I mean sure he was bad at cooking but this was Sin against creation level of bad...Shikun how ever is more optismistic, wondering as she look off if maybe it still editable...



Prompt: 7

Whoops… that didn’t turn out right. Show your character failing at food. Did they set a field on fire? Did they try to catch a fish with their bare hands and get smacked in the face by a tail instead? Did they burn something beyond saving?

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  • Apr 9, 2023, 6:53:39 PM UTC
    Ahaha, I love this! Shikun you should ABSOLUTELY eat it, I'm sure nothing will go wrong!!!!
    • Apr 10, 2023, 12:13:07 AM UTC
      with her furnace of an stomach, nothing will go wrong, likely the worst is it chemical mix poorly with her digestive chemical and product chemical gass.....but the Less I think of Caspian Muffin make Shikun fart mustard gass, the happier I am Tongue



Caspian PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd602
2231 total points
5 approved points



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