Peter's Talisman

Posted Apr 11, 2023, 5:37:04 PM UTC

Peter's talisman for PaperDemon is his hat. He is taking it with him since, well, firstly he pretty much always wears it. But the reason why it's important to him, is because the hat originally belonged to his maternal grandfather (who he never met, but was nothing like his paternal grandfather who he does know. His mother's father was actually kind). Peter found it when he was around 16-17 stored away alongside some of his mother's other belongings. He remembered her telling him as a lamb, that when he was older, she would give him the hat. Since he knew his father's parents weren't ever going to give it to him themselves (and probably forgot about its existence or never even knew it was there), he claimed it and has pretty much worn it ever since.

So the badges go on his hat, like seen in the drawing.

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Peter PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd998
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  • Peter


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