Wood-carved Lenore Box

Posted Jul 10, 2023, 4:01:35 PM UTC

Nebula grew up with his nose in books. He read everything he could get his hands on, from non-fiction to high fantasy. One of his fondest memories was listening to his mother, Nexus, read Nebula works from Edgar Allen Poe at bedtime. Nebula's favorite became Lenore, as it helped him process the death of his pet rabbit. He even shared his love of Poe with his girlfriend, Veronica.

On his birthday, Veronica gifts Nebula a hand-carved wooden box. The outside of the box is an ornate casket made from a Purpleheart tree, making it a beautiful purple color. There are two lids attached by inner hinges. The top lid opens the casket lid to reveal a detailed carving of a woman, meant to represent Lenore. The second lid opens up to the inside of the box. He brings it along to hold his badges, but most importantly to remember his lover until he returns. 

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