Darkness take you

Posted Jul 12, 2023, 11:09:06 PM UTC

The moment Abaddon made to move, the scenery changed. He was no longer near the heart; he was in fact, just... nowhere. The darkness seemed to have engulfed everything until nothing was left. Just a void, devoid of sensation and those he loved. It was a palpable thing, oppressing and fully fledged, almost alive, that darkness, that though his main eyes were closed, he could tell it was closing in on him, from all sides.

His wings could see nothing, and out of desperation, he took his blind fold off, opened his main eyes to nothing. The darkness crawled deeper, harder, faster, and how Abbadon could tell, he had no idea.

His worst fear, in a way. A complete, total lack of stimulus. It was just as overwhelming as when he had all his eyes open, only worse for some reason. The lack of visual or auditory input was unbearable. Nothing to see, touch, scent, hear...

He could feel his breath coming in faster, near hyperventilation when he blinked and no light appeared. Alone, with no one there to help him, no one that understood, no one to lean on when the goings got tough.

Except that wasn't true. Fravashi had always been there, by his side.

Something about that thought allowed the pony to slow his breath down enough to calm himself, and just like that, the darkness receded, and he found himself once more near the heart, staring an Umbrum down. The creature looked at him with malice, and from behind his blindfold, Abbadon's brows furrowed. 

He would not give up this easily. When you fell down, you had to get back up!

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