
Posted Aug 3, 2023, 7:51:15 PM UTC

Leah is a non-binary lesbian with a heart of gold. However that heart has been badly tarnished since her older brother passed away. So she's set her sights on killing the goblin she blames for her brother's death: Pranz.

While for Pranz it was just a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the history that Pranz and Leah's brother, Blake, had together doesn't help his case. Blake abandoned Pranz in his time of need, so Leah believes Pranz must have had a grudge against Blake.

Leah knows she should simply talk with Pranz to get the whole story from him, but her grief always turns to anger whenever she sees him. This always leads to her trying to hunt Pranz down and end his life, because her sorrow becomes too great. But she's working on her grief, and luckily she has many good friends, as well as her dragon companion, Skye, looking out for her. One friend in particular, Trazle, has been helpful as he's endlessly patient. He's also a good sparring partner when she needs to let off steam!

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