Stratos' Talisman

Posted Aug 28, 2023, 1:15:16 AM UTC

Having kleptomaniac tendencies combined with proficiency in sleight of hand, Stratos had the habit of swiping objects, and as a travelling performer, it gave him the perfect oppertunity to steal to his heart's content, and be gone the next morning, none the wiser. When Stratos had picked up this crystal, he assumed that it was just a normal crystal, and that he could hawk it for some gold a couple towns down. While preparing himself in his chambers that night, he noticed this bag glowing. Curious, he pulled out the crystal he had stolen, that was glowing brighter and brighter. It started to float out of his grasp, and there was a flash of light. Stratos looked around, no longer retired in his rented inn room, but in the middle of a bustling city by the sea. The crystal dropped back into his hand, no longer glowing. In the distance, he could see a large crystal, about three-stories high, and seemingly made of the same type of crystal as his now seemingly miniscule sliver. With nothing else to go on, he set off for the large crystal, hoping to atleast regain his bearings slightly and ask the townsfolk where he was.

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