Celestial Barrage

Posted Sep 23, 2023, 6:11:31 AM UTC

In the realm of the arcane and otherworldly, there resided a devoted and formidable demoness named Rajani. Her allegiance was unwavering, for she served as the emissary of the enigmatic Lord Bathin, a prominent figure amongst the Goetia. Bathin was known for his extraordinary ability to whisk people away to distant realms in the blink of an eye, especially across vast expanses.

Rajani, with her heart firmly tethered to Bathin, had earned her Lord's favor through tireless dedication. In return, she received a remarkable gift—a magical talisman, an ornate necklace that shimmered with ancient power. This enchanted artifact was bestowed upon her to aid in her earthly journeys, empowering her to traverse all realms at ease.

Bathin, an esteemed counselor who held dominion over the moon, found his true playground beneath the cloak of night. It was during these moonlit hours that Rajani's extraordinary abilities came to the fore. She could beckon the powers of celestial bodies, calling upon their energies to manifest into corporeal forms. As shown above, Rajani can call forth any constellation to aid her in battle .The constellation Scorpio, resplendent in the heavens, became one of her weapon of choice.

Under the canvas of the night sky, Rajani wielded this celestial arsenal with unparalleled prowess. The stars would align, and the essence of Scorpio would materialize into a formidable weapon, ready to strike down any adversaries that dared to challenge her. This unique fighting style, a fusion of her devotion to Bathin and her mastery over the celestial forces, had been her faithful companion in past crusades.

The night held a special place in Rajani's heart; it was her confidant, her ally. She saw herself as an equal to the night, for within its embrace, she could weave the threads of magic and the legacy of Bathin, leaving her mark upon the world as a fearsome and loyal servant of the Goetia

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