Posted Sep 26, 2023, 5:12:18 AM UTC

AT LONG LAST - the smooch

Well Prim X Carm was a bit of a running joke between Charli and I, it started with Charli's piece: "Little Mix Up", where it was remarked that it looked like Prim was wearing a wedding dress with the clothing swap... we joked that as long as they added socks, it wouldn't be gay- a little no homo joke.

Then it snowballed from there as we kept joking about it, small doodles about it here and there, and then there was a fun lil thing with Prince-Galaxii that pushed it even further (hope he's doing okay!)

...and then there was the crackship generator conveniently paired Prim and Carm together and that just hilariously sealed the deal.

And now here we are - officially canon! uwu

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