Wait and Endure

Posted Oct 2, 2023, 8:24:07 PM UTC


Draw your young Aqrion learning how to hunt small objects, small prey or even other young aqrion.


Asbjorne wanted more fish. Erestel hadn't caught enough to fill his belly earlier in the day. It's been going on like this for weeks now- she'd feed him, just not enough. He shoved at his adoptive mother, complaining about his aching belly. But she had made it very obvious that if he wanted more food, he'd have to learn to hunt for himself. Erestel made him watch her fish, waiting patiently at the water's edge for fish to get used to their presense, not see them as a threat. Wait for the right moment. And then strike, smacking the fish out of the water and onto land where they become easy prey. 

Asbjorne, tummy growling, left to the edge of the ice sheet and waited. And eventually, his patience bore fruit as red fish bopped to the surface- curious about the young dragon. He watched them- still, worried any movement would scare them away. Slowly, one approached. Asbjorne stared it down and slowly shifted, raising a flipper as it got closer...

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