
Posted Oct 7, 2023, 1:39:50 AM UTC

CHARACTERS: Viiris Donlo, Istornim Baenrat'tar (younger)

"... Please ... Help ..." A wounded man approached the group of guards, before he collapsed on the stone floor of the city's town square. One of them brought him a blanket to keep his body warm, while the others hurried to their coworker. With urgency, Viiris rushed from the office of the barracks toward the scene and got to work accompanied with the guards that informed him about the situation. "Hold still, this will only take a moment."

While Viiris does not remember this, as it is nothing but a daily interaction, he has saved the life of a man who became extremely important in his life. And surely, that man made himself known as his future colleague. It made himself proud to have done something right, after being reminded of the event several times.

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