Bobby and her talisman(s?)

Posted Nov 13, 2023, 10:15:44 PM UTC

95 Draw or write about a talisman for your character. It can be something that is sentimental, magical, or in some way meaningful to your character. It's not required, but many adventurers who journey to these different worlds keep their Portal badges on their talisman as a way to showcase all of the places they've journeyed to.

So unfortunately I was dumb and accidentally almost posted the wrong artwork so ya

"During the battle of a unspoken war, 2 fairies where robbed from their magic and essence in order to forge a mystic set of jewelry used to be a peace treatie. One fairy trapped in the set of jewelry, decided to curse all those who wore her as revenge. While the other chose to give them her blessing in the hope it protects others. After the original owners died, they were fought over for years until they were eventually forgotten." 

Bobby had gotten them from her first grand adventure (selling apples lmao), and has wore them ever since even with the curse restrictioning her powers. She seems to talk to her talisman sometimes for good luck, not actually knowing that there's actual beings inside it. The fairies don't mind though, talking to same person you're not exactly fond of what feels like centuries isn't exactly fun :/.

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Bobby nova PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2881
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