Amenita and Bleu making Tarts!

Posted Nov 21, 2023, 5:40:42 PM UTC

Bleu Theta
smile then look nervious. "Okay but not Mousefolk pie...Mom said the catfolk from our world enjoy that as an treat since mousefolk are bigger then normal mouse and we are better then rats or ratfolk."


Ella (She/her)
"Oh, goodness no! I was thinking maybe we start off with something simple, like a blueberry tart!"


Bleu Theta
gasp. "Blue berry tart?" she said both confuse and excited...No idea what that is but sound delicious!


Ella (She/her)
"Yes! They're like mini pies! Well...Almost!"


Bleu Theta
gasp at the idea...MINI PIE!? That would be Big pie for Mousefolk Baby!!!! Her tail lash about with uncontain excitement. "When we learn?"


Ella (She/her)
"We can learn right now if you want!!"


Bleu Theta
cheer happily! "Lead on! Bleu will follow!" never mind she in Amenita hands so...yeah...


Ella (She/her)
Amenita set her down, and started gathering ingredients


Apis the LifeCow
sit outside smiling as she listen to the two.


Bleu Theta
watch, making sure not to be underfoot!


Ella (She/her)
"Apis, would you like one too? I can make you one if you want!"


Apis the LifeCow
chuckle at the thought of the normal folk sized tart to her. "If you two wish, I will happily be your test subject for your treats."


Ella (She/her)
"Alright! I have enough for three tarts!"


Bleu Theta
pause then giggle as she run back to the door to Apis, leaving Amentia along for an few minute....what she doing?


Ella (She/her)
amenita started preparing her wet and dry ingredients

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Bleu Theta PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd2183
264 total points
10 approved points
Amenita PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2311
44 total points
10 approved points



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