Bleu starting to be taken over by the void

Posted Nov 21, 2023, 6:44:02 PM UTC

Bleu breath become shallow, the wasp wound was bad and the pain was no longer an issue, but...she feel empty inside...she starting to...feel light, or rather, nothing...she fall to her knees and lood down to notice her chest seem to have an hole in it, but not an normal if an void was starting to grow, consuming her along the way. In fear she panic as the darkness start to over take her. Like Slow moving molastic, it seem to coat over her in blackness before standing in the spot was the darker half of Bleu, laughing at her tragic self...

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Bleu Theta PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd2183
264 total points
5 approved points



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