Creation of Greeble

Posted Nov 30, 2023, 3:33:23 AM UTC

Rex was an outcast kobold who never had a friend. One day, he heard of nomcromancy. Tears streaming down as his face as he sculpted unsweetended chocolate pudding into a vaguely mammalian form, Rex swore he'd have friends. With his nomling, everyone would see how cool and smart he was and would want to be his friend.

His yearning for companionship drew the attention of a specific soul. It lingered while Rex built, excited to be bound and to be the kobold's friend. The ritual was finished and Greeble was born, eyes twinkling and smile wide.

As time went on, Greeble became bitter and resentful of Rex- who didn't see it as a friend, but as a tool to make friends. Rex is still lonely, and blames Greeble, who seems to scare away or annoy others. Despite this, Greeble sticks around, hoping that Rex will understand that on the day he made it- Rex made a friend.

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Greeble Slurpwyrm Nomcromancy 🧑🏽 🔥 #om16
1475 total points
100 approved points



  • Little Wonder
  • Greeble's Spring Break
  • Long Talks About the Beach
  • Pick of the Patch
  • Criminal Kobold
  • Be Greeble's Valentine?
  • Rav and Greeble Play Frisbee
  • Fluffy Fizz
  • Sweet Chocolate


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