It's not a good idea to go alone, you know.

Posted Nov 30, 2023, 3:54:04 PM UTC

Prompt 2: The suspicious caretaker is only a little reluctant to hand over your package. As you start to return home, you realize that your pickup has put you right in the middle of holiday traffic! The streets and skies are teeming with travelers, many overloaded with their own shopping burdens. Draw or write about your character navigating holiday traffic. Do they have an air ship that can take them above the worst of it? Do they dig beneath the ground? Do they cast a spell to frighten people out of their way?


The cemetary may have been an open space, but outside that?  Oh boy, there's too many people to navigate through on her own!  Luckily for her, a nice elf man helped her go through the horde.


(Thank you Zakulf for letting me draw Illmenor! :) )

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