Sidequest - The Present? Part 1

Posted Dec 2, 2023, 2:55:05 AM UTC
  1. You have received a notice about one of the gifts you ordered for someone dear to you. It instructs you to pick it up in person, and gives you a specific time-- the very same day! You rush to the address to find your package waiting for you, but there's something a little strange. Draw or write about your character picking up their package from a suspicious caretaker. Are they a squirrely Paperdemon with a few too many wings and horns to be JUST a Paperdemon? Are they a shadowy figure with no discernable features? Are they a normal cat?

Zira recieves a message telling her to meet in the woods. The stranger has a strange package for her... (My own spin on the story as I am knew here, and my character has no friends yet.)

Just starting out - I want to make more narrative comics here soon. "Sidequest" are like "out of canon" story; the narrative comics will be labled "StoryMode" for clarification (to use videogame terminology). I hope you all enjoy! 

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Zira Lilluth PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2487
105 total points
5 approved points



  • Apothecary
  • Chapter 1 - "Marooned"
  • Forest Guide
  • Zira - Lady of the Lake
  • Secret Santa 2023 - Moongaze
  • Wheat Field
  • Sidequest - The Present? Part 2
  • Prompt 92 - PJ's
  • Zira - Fox


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