unfortunetly... she would never know

Posted Dec 9, 2023, 4:21:31 AM UTC

this is for the altered version of your OC and to that I would say no, because she wouldn't meet her. After all, Alt Galassia would be of high status in the cosmic court and would be able to read and prophesize by the stars. Alt Galassia is a very sad person, quite opposite to the regular one. She has a jealousy for Galassia and those of free nature. She is practically a bird in a cage with its wings clipped. She's lonely for not having any friends and only talked to when things need to be foretold. she often makes sure that portals to her demesion are closed off to Galassia so they will never meet face to face.  but often watches her adventures and yearns to be the one adventuring. " you are fallen yet you are free." 


hi I haven't been on very much, another crazy week. next week may be the same as well;-;. this isn't my best piece either but i can't quite get Alt Galassia quite how I picture her but eh this is what came out. Nevertheless I hope you enjoy it. 

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Galassia PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2520
239 total points
5 approved points



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