Tread carefully...

Posted Dec 14, 2023, 1:22:05 PM UTC

Prompt 2: Draw or write about your character in the sinister home of Godspawn. What does the old place look like, lurching over the woods in the moonlight? Alternatively, write about the house’s history and contents as they might have been before Godspawn took it over. Such things resonate with the Cthulhu Mythos. Are there strange books? Statuettes of alien gods? Did a cult once dwell here, and did they call powers they couldn’t dismiss?


It's sad that such a grand place had succumbed to a most corrupt power.  What was once a normal house has turned into a accursed breeding ground for the unfathomable- absolutely nowhere was safe here.  Mind the tendrils.

(Thank you CrazyShiro for letting me borrow Calixte!)

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