Move ONE branch!

Posted Dec 18, 2023, 5:36:19 PM UTC

CHARACTER: Viiris Donlo
PROMPT: [#96] Draw or write about your character in a wheat field. Hold the wheat, become the wheat. Be the wheat.

"Move one branch! I'll tear you asunder and ignite you!" The guard threatens the harmless seeming scarecrow. 

Clearly, this man has faced rougher days in which even scarecrows cannot be trusted! If anything, those poisoned his companions and nearly took his life during the battle. Assumed to be cursed by the nearby hag that sought residence in the nearby surroundings. Many events invite doubt into the hearts of men after they return from a place filled with horror.

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  • Dec 18, 2023, 10:17:14 PM UTC
    The lighting is absolutely fantastic and I'm getting allergies just looking at this picture!
    • Dec 20, 2023, 7:58:26 PM UTC
      That's both a good and very bad sign! You better not develop symptoms!

      Thanks a lot, Click~
  • Dec 18, 2023, 8:53:41 PM UTC
    the lighting in this is just gorgeous omggg!!!