Godspawn: Apirka Trom and Hal Harris 2

Posted Dec 21, 2023, 12:01:44 PM UTC

Draw or write about your character in the sinister home of Godspawn. What does the old place look like, lurching over the woods in the moonlight? Alternatively, write about the house’s history and contents as they might have been before Godspawn took it over. Such things resonate with the Cthulhu Mythos. Are there strange books? Statuettes of alien gods? Did a cult once dwell here, and did they call powers they couldn’t dismiss?

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  • Dec 21, 2023, 2:54:49 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Dec 21, 2023 by MMNTheMighty
    I can't say it enough, thanks for drawing Hal with Apirka for the boss battle!

    I find that they work really well together, and have yet to keep developing as friends. Even now, I think it's bittersweet of him to pull her away from the man, keeping her from helping.

    He knows she wants to help, appreciating her good will, but also knows how it feels to be in the same state as the man. It's much better to let him pass instead.
    • Jan 14, 2024, 7:12:46 PM UTC
      It's my pleasure! Frankly, it's partially because Hal has so much experience that I think this duo works _so_ well... She has a lot to learn, and Hal's been abnormally patient with her, even in times like this one where it's tough stuff.
      • Jan 15, 2024, 4:46:36 PM UTC
        I'm glad they work well together.

        He's been at it for five years, and knows how it's like to be young and naïve, new to the occupation.

        He's abnormally impatient because it's the one thing he knows best. She's a friend. Shouting at her like a drill sergeant and bashing her until she gets it right isn't his thing.

        Ned never did it to him, and he wouldn't do it to Apirka.