A Hideout

Posted Dec 22, 2023, 5:04:13 AM UTC

For Prompt #50 (Does your character have a base of operations between portals? A home, even? Draw or write about where your character hangs out during the downtime) : Erik spent a lot of time finding the perfect place to call his home after leaving his parents and starting his journey. He came across a beautiful forest with a large central tree that was perfect for a treehouse. He spent a lot of time learning and chipping away at his project and between adventures and working on his journals, he eventually got a small place to call home and relax.

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Erik Whitman PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #PD235
19 total points
5 approved points



  • Element time
  • Spell Book Talisman
  • Erik Whitman


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