Walking in circles

Posted Dec 23, 2023, 10:05:59 PM UTC

5. After you crawl back to the surface, draw your character in the woods under the moon’s light, in shades of black, gray, and blue, except for the moon and stars themselves.

The forest seemed endless, as if it didn't want to let go of those, who ended up walking into it. However, even if at the moment it felt like going in circles, there was a way for all of them to get out of this maze of trees.

I'd like to thank all the people, who let me draw their characters for the drawing!
The characters participating are:
Scapindex, Amber, Celaou, Twig, Banshee, Anton, Skye (the duck) and Rigmor.
Can you find them all?


Quite an experimental drawing, there is no realistic perspective to it, this choice of composition is supposed to convey the feeling of being lost in the forest. Everyone are either walking or running forward to add some motion to the image. And the work has a quality of working at any degree of a full 360 rotation.

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  • Dec 24, 2023, 10:03:30 PM UTC
    This is amazing! You really expressed the feeling of lostness well! For some reason, it kind of looks like an eye in a way, which I find quite cool!
    • Dec 25, 2023, 3:04:32 PM UTC
      Thank you very much!

      That's a really neat observation! It does look like an eye, especially in its smaller preview form.
  • Dec 24, 2023, 6:28:14 PM UTC
    Yoo this is really cool and extraordinarily well executed!!