slime death visualization

Posted Dec 29, 2023, 6:27:32 AM UTC
  1. How does your character's elemental power manifest? Draw or write them using their elemental powers.

"By the doctrines of productivity, never take on a task too big. First, break it up into parts"


Soren, whether due to his newness to magic or his history as a writer, needs to write or doodle down how his magic will manifest through his journal. Part of him believes it is the magic of the journal rather than him using the journal as a medium. Regardless, the key to using it for him is visualization and breaking it down into steps.


Soren, after finding himself in the paperverse, finds an unwanted slimy pest inside his traveling suitcase house.

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Soren Gardeker PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3782
14 total points
7 approved points



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