What are you-- PUT HIM DOWN

Posted Jan 6, 2024, 4:32:33 AM UTC

Prompt #98: Write or draw your character as the protagonist (or antagonist) of a classic fairytale! Is your character Little Red or the Big Bad Wolf? Snow White or the Evil Queen? Up to you!


(Godfather Death)

"Whenever you visit one of ill health, you will see me next to him.  If I am standing at his head, you may tell him he will be saved and feed him the herb.  If I am standing at his feet, he is mine."

When Hal Harris goes to see Fo, he notices immediately that Banshee is standing at the foot of the bed.  The mim'ver feels pity for the servanti, so he decides to 'cheat' the reaper, turning the servanti around in his bed so Banshee now stood at his head instead.  After being fed the herb, Fo makes a speedy recovery.


(Thank you MMNTheMighty and CrazyShir0 for lending me your characters!)

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  • Jan 7, 2024, 2:37:25 PM UTC
    This is so cool! I love how you drew all the characters!
  • Jan 6, 2024, 5:47:16 PM UTC
    Banshee and Hal first meeting each other... He'd probably get along with a reaper, but the circumstances aren't looking so pleasant... Oh b o y !

    Thank you for drawing Hal in this piece, it came out so good and I enjoy looking back at it!
  • Jan 6, 2024, 4:40:14 AM UTC
    That's such an interesting tale! I've never heard it before! And again you're art style is so incredible. I keep coming back to look at all your fairy tale submissions
    • Jan 6, 2024, 4:56:59 AM UTC
      I came across it while looking for pre-existing stories for an animation course, so I don't blame you for not having heard of it - it's not as well known as others.

      And thank you very much! I'm happy you like them! I just wish I had time for more entries.