Weekly Prompt #108 - Judge

Posted Mar 14, 2024, 2:31:08 AM UTC

#108 It's time for the Paperdemon Guild Talent Show! What type of talent would your character show off? How would the audience and judges react? Or would your character get stage fright and opt to stay in the audience instead? Or maybe they'd be a judge? 


Valas begrudgingly opted to judge for the talent show, disheartening many with his low scores and Simon-Cowell-level scowl. Perhaps someone in the show found his brutal judgement helpful for their personal growth?

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Valas PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3300
65 total points
5 approved points



  • Pitiful and Messy (Valas First Battle)
  • Decorating the Tree (Secret Santa 2023)
  • Nightshade Development Prompt
  • Moonlit Fashion (Weekly Prompt #92)
  • Valas' Expressions
  • Valas' Cloak (Character Development #63)


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