Enigmatic Elegance:

Posted Apr 9, 2024, 11:23:45 PM UTC

The Transformation: Elandir stumbled upon a hidden glade where a majestic dragon lay wounded. Moved by compassion, he approached the creature, unaware that it was the venerable dragon, Pyrathian, the last of the Emberflame lineage. As Elandir tended to Pyrathian’s wounds, a mystical bond formed between them. In gratitude, Pyrathian bestowed upon Elandir a fragment of his fiery essence.

The Aftermath: The dragon’s gift transformed Elandir, merging their souls and granting him incredible powers. His once fair skin now shimmered with a few iridescent scales dotting his face, and his eyes blazed like molten gold,Horns grew over time.Elandir became a half-dragon, half-elf warrior, a bridge between two worlds.

The Warrior’s Path: Embracing his new identity, Elandir set out to protect Eldoria from looming threats. With the strength of a dragon and the grace of an elf, he became a guardian of peace, revered by all as the “Drakeheart Sentinel.” His legend, a tale of unity and courage, echoes through the ages, inspiring countless others in their quests for harmony between the races 

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  • Apr 10, 2024, 9:01:44 PM UTC
    Elandir looks so handsome! Wonderful lineart!
  • Apr 10, 2024, 7:22:51 AM UTC
    *Also watching respectfully*

    Beautiful lines TuT
  • Apr 10, 2024, 2:21:06 AM UTC
    i am lOOKing respectfully of course.............
    I really like how you apply lline weight!! it looks fantastic, gjgjgjgj



Elenya PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4932
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