Comment 101180

Parent Comment

Dec 26, 2020, 2:33:30 PM UTC
I'm thankful for all my friends who have helped me when I'm down and my dogs

Comment ID 101180

Dec 30, 2020, 1:52:38 AM UTC
Friends and pets can be the best!! I'm really glad you had them with you through this time 💛💛

Here's your free geno! Please keep in mind this geno can only be gifted, not traded or sold, as it was meant as a holiday gift for you.

Please use this comment as your proof of ownership and proof of origins.


Lean Koinos
Female - Healthy
Saber - Tuft
Bleached Burned Magenta Ebony with Unders, Eyelashes, and Stripes
[ Crown ]


— SheepMomther


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