Comment 103132

Comment ID 103132

[Art] Garuda
Feb 14, 2021, 12:49:53 AM UTC on [Art] Garuda
The sheer heft of their plumage is a lot of fun visually, and i like the background. It has a strong watercolor feel to it, and you found a good balance between whispy blurred distance and clarity so that its still visually distinct but conveys a good sense of distance. One small thing I noticed was the point where the color changes on the long feathers sweeping behind the stryx- it lines up considerably with the curve of the tail, which creates a distracting visual illusion of the tail line clipping over the feather. A quick fix to the would be to push the color transition in a little, or to make sure the top and bottom of it do not line with the boundary of the tail. Beautiful piece!
