Comment 107286

Comment ID 107286

[Art] Sunset Run
May 14, 2021, 6:30:23 AM UTC on [Art] Sunset Run
Everything about this piece is super pretty! I love how warm it all feels and that the hillside isn't just grass but has its own lovely dollops of colors. Like Aerophoenix said, there is indeed a lot of detail to explore Smile
Not going to lie, I've been coming back to this pic of yours the whole day just to look at it. How you did the details on the stryx is very nice as well, especially the wings! They really draw you in and then you get lost looking at the rest. Very wonderful.
Who are the birbs? Are they all yours?


  • May 15, 2021, 7:10:00 AM UTC
    Thank you so much! Smile
    I'm so happy how it turned out. I love the bachground so much <3
    And I'm so glad that other people like it, too Smile

    Yes, those are all mine. ^^
    The green, colorful one is Aurora:
    The creamy colored one is Falaire:
    And the pink-ish guy is Neon: